Vancouver, BC - July, 15 2015 (“Dajin”) (TSX-V: DJI) (OTC: DJIFF) is pleased to report that the company’s wholly owned subsidiary, Dajin Resources S.A. has signed an agreement with the Cooperativa de Trabajo Minero Producción de Boratos Jujeños Ltda. (The Mining Cooperative for the Production of Borates, Ltd.) in Jujuy Province, Argentina (the "Cooperative"). The Cooperative holds the mining rights to two properties in the south-east part of Salinas Grandes. This agreement has a payment of $US60,000 which gives Dajin the exclusive right to explore the property during the term of three (3) years. At the end of the three years, Dajin has the right to Option the property for a thirty-year time period for a payment of $700,000. During production Dajin will pay the Cooperative a 3% royalty...

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